Enhancing Learning and Engagement for Mentally Challenged Kids Using Dot Stickers

Mentally challenged kids face a tough time in field of education worldwide. Intellectual disabilities can render a child’s memorizing power to low levels and can also interfere with real time learning as well. They can have a hard time following the teacher’s notes and instructions properly. The affected kids take more time to process data and there are high chances that they will still perceive a distorted and wrong version of the topic taught due to various different weaknesses of the brain. There are various ways to help accentuate their studying processes for them. Methods include incorporating study information through various fun educational games such as “fill in the blanks” or “choose the correct answer”, using colors to highlight their study texts, and using stickers. How Stickers Help in Teaching the Mentally Challenged: Stickers such as colorful shaped stickers and dot stickers can help the children perceive the study more easily without getting intimidated or nervous...